Thursday, October 6, 2011

Reviving the Old Blog

Can't believe how fast time has passed since I started this place of writing when I first arrived in KL. One year, 2 months, and four days to be exact. Honestly, it felt just like a blink of an eye and that which was present has become part of the past. Previously when I was in this blog, I was so excited about my new studying experience in Berjaya University, but all excitement of new environments have its lifespans. When routine takes over, excitement will have already vanished.

Time spent in Berjaya within this past year has also created many memorable experiences. I manage to make friends that I now considered as my second family here where we do almost everything together, manage to learn Wing Chun as well (although still very "noob" at it,but I think I can defend myself), became the Class Rep for my batch (positive thing is you get to complain and are encouraged to do so), and well... I guess I know Time Square in and out by now.

Its now my fourth semester, and becoming ever more "senior" in the university. Most people will tell me to enjoy and make the most out of college/uni life as it is only once in a lifetime. They do have some truth in that, but I still continue to search for something more meaningful, or I do require some enlightenment to see that it is right in front of me. I could say that sometimes I wouldn't know I had something until I loose it, guess that's a problem I'll have to look into.

Signing off now, as I have to catch my shuttle van to college.

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